Your Taproom is an Experience
Secret Hopper® is an idea created out of the love of two things: beer and the experience of sharing it.
With nearly 10,000 breweries currently in operation, breweries have to do more than produce well-made beer. Breweries must put out a taproom experience, for both guests and staff, that is equally as world-class.
What We Do
Secret Hopper uses mystery shoppers to visit taprooms and provide feedback on their experience.
Our data will help you:
Better understand your taproom experience
Discover areas of opportunity
Continually monitor the quality of experience, for both guests and staff
Validate that you are performing at the highest level
Provide metrics you can use to recognize and reward your team
Craft beer is all about experience and we are helping taprooms nationwide increase tabs and create more repeat customers.
Your customers' feedback matters. When you begin to see your brewery as a place of work rather than a fresh environment, many simple details become overlooked. The objective view point of detail oriented customers will help you once again see your brewery for the first time.
Your customers' feedback will not only pinpoint areas that your brewery is already succeeding, but also present areas in which growth can occur. Our goal is to help you keep doing what you are already doing right, and strengthen what can be done better.
Your customers' feedback will not only help you discover areas to improve upon, but also present aspects of your business that may need more attention. Our goal is to help you create new opportunities to better your customers’ experience.
Over time our research will help your business analyze trends, track improvements, and make your brand stronger one pint at a time. Our goal is to make every customer become a repeat customer.