Pretend you arrive at the end of your street. Whether you go right or left, you end up at a brewery with a quality atmosphere, quality beer, and quality staff. Everything else being the same, but the brewery to the right is a half mile closer. Where do you end up most often? For me, it’s nearly always to the right.
Read More2024 Taproom Staff Motivation Metrics
Read MoreI'm guilty of it, too. Host a to go beer competition. Reward a team member with the highest tip percentage. Offer a prize to the person that does ABC or XYZ. Often, we focus on rewards, recognition, and opportunity as prime motivators. But how about using progress?
Read MoreJust like each guest, all of your staff require a unique experience. As brewery owners and managers, it is your responsibility to understand their needs, their goals, and how you can form a partnership of beautiful employment.
Read MoreHow much staff do you have in your taproom? How many of those are rockstars? You know, those who crave building relationships with each guest that walks through your doors and bleed your beer out of their veins. These rockstars consistently see higher tabs, know their guests on a first-name basis, and are simply motivated to be awesome. Working hard isn’t something they think about, they just do it.
Read MoreAs taproom managers and owners, it’s important that you understand why your staff is working at your brewery. Unfortunately, in most cases, these questions aren’t being asked. By not asking these basic questions, we are preventing ourselves from understanding the “why” and ultimately unable to successfully answer the “how can we best motivate our team” question.
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